Tags – Warning Signs of Poor Mental Health in Staff
It’s estimated that 264 million people suffer from depression and many of these also suffer from symptoms of anxiety.
Spotting the signs of suffering from mental health is not always that easy – as opposed to physical health that can often be obvious.
But, knowing some of the warning signs can enable you to spot these early and help your employees who may be unwell.
And, helping them will help you as it can lead to fewer absences later down the line, higher levels of productivity and a relaxed culture in the workplace.
These are 6 warning signs that your employees may be feeling stressed, anxious and more.
1. Lack of Care in Appearance
It’s common for people suffering from mental health to find it difficult to keep up with their appearance.
Let’s say, for example there’s an employee who typically arrives to work and is groomed immaculately but they have recently begun to violate the dress code policy – this could be an indication that they are having trouble coping with a situation.
2. Changes in Attendance
It’s quite easy to spot changes in attendance, especially amongst those who are usually on time.
For example, if an employee who never has a problem with lateness has started to miss meetings, show up late and call in sick more than usual – it could be a warning sign of poor mental health.
Furthermore, vocal complaints of aches and pains and excessive tiredness can be associated with depression and anxiety.
Therefore, if changes in attendance seem out of the ordinary, pull the employee aside in a private space and genuinely ask them how they are.
3. Change in Performance at Work
As a manager, it’s vital you’re able to pick up on changes in performance of staff members.
It’s easy to misinterpret behavioural signs as bad work ethic, however changes in performance can be an indicator of poor mental health.
For example, there could be a member of staff who is taking risks that seem out of character or making impulsive decisions without considering the consequences – it could imply they are suffering from mental health and require some support.
4. Lack of Productivity and Concentration
Mental health can have an effect on sleep, fatigue and other anxieties, which ultimately can make it harder for those suffering to focus and be productive.
As such, if you notice a staff member’s level of concentration and productivity is down, it can be a sign of a deeper issue.
Closing Remarks
It’s important to keep in mind that some members of staff may not know they have an issue with mental health or feel uncomfortable talking about it.
For this reason, you must be empathetic towards their needs and treat the conversation as sensitive as possible.
Not only this, but familiarising yourself with the warning signs of poor mental health in staff is the first step in opening a productive and positive space surrounding mental health.
Regardless, spotting these warning signs should urge managers to handle the matter with both care and urgency for the sake of their health and business.
Get in touch today for more information. Please check our HR Consultancy Birmingham service in the meantime.